Energy Pathfinder Webinar EnerPHit Refurbishment At Niddrie Road, April 5th 2022

Energy Pathfinders 6th webinar, with guest speaker Chris Morgan who discusses the current trajectory to Net Zero, and why his practice considers Passivhaus and EnerPHit an important option.

Chris Morgan, architect and a director at John Gilbert Architects, presents on the current trajectory towards Net Zero, and why his practice considers Passivhaus and EnerPHIT an important option where possible. He describes the Niddrie Road project, outlining the fabric first approach and the range of measures which go beyond energy efficiency to a more holistic and healthy approach, taking into account the health and wellbeing of tenants, as well as the longevity of the basic fabric of the buildling as well. Previously a Chair of the Scottish Ecological Design , Chris is only one of four architects with advanced sustainable architecture accreditation from RIAS. He is a design review panellist for Architecture + Design Scotland and has certification in Passivhaus design, building biology and permaculture.