
Read about recent Energy Pathfinder Activities & Events in our third Newsletter

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Report on Green Skibbereen's Conference on Climate Action & Sustainability for West Cork.

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Energy Pathfinder's second newsletter provides an update on recent project activities.

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During this seminar about hygrothermal monitoring, learn how fabric monitoring can inform and support the retrofit programme of traditional buildings....

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Thursday 27th August 2020, Energy Use & Thermal Comfort in a Large Single-Zone Building (Tegs Kyrkan) during Cold Season, Umeå, Sweden

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Energy Pathfinder's first newsletter reflects on the project's activity so far...

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Landsverk's Approach to Sustainability, Retrofitting of the Historical Vicarage of Viðareiði

The vicarage of Viðareiði, which is the most northern...

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Adapt Northern Heritage is another project supported by the Interreg Program for the Northern Periphery and Arctic region. The project supports...

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On November 18th 2019 Oulu University organised an information Seminar in Raahe, Finland to present and discuss activities in the Energy Pathfinder...

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A Webinar by Dr Caroline Engels Purcell, Head of Research and Peter Cox, Managing Director of Carrig Conservation International.


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